Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Conversation this morning with Monkey:

Me "Monkey, if you don't go and play with your toys, I'm going to give them away to some other kids"

Her: "But other kids have their own toys"

Me: "Not all kids.  Some kids don't have their own toys"

Her: "But Mommy, if you give away all of my toys, then I will go to sleep, wake up in the morning and have breakfast, and go downstairs and stand with my mouth open and say (with her hands on her hips) 'Mommy, get me back my toys!' "

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Marrying & Options

Two cute things that Monkey said today.
This morning we were talking about colors, and Monkey said "White, just like Cinderella's 'marrying' dress".  I asked "Do you know what 'marrying' is? What happens when you get married?" Her response, "Well, you just sprinkle magic dust, mice, and the birds and the Prince comes and you just get married".

After lunch today Monkey came up to me and said "OK Mommy, you have two options.  I either play 'pootie' (aka: computer) games or I play playdough, you choose".

That kid cracks me up on a daily basis.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Weekend Re-cap

This weekend we didn't have too much going on.  Both girls were sick with colds, so it was a lot of chilling, nose-wiping and movie watching! In fact, Monkey told me on Friday that she was still feeling sick but "I think I'll get better with lots of rest and lots of watching {t.v}".
Saturday I had a photo job to do at Notre Dame Church for their annual "Living Stations of the Cross", and after that, I went shopping at Fabricland.  I have been wanting for quite some time now, to learn how to sew, and I think the first thing I'll tackle is a pillowcase dress.  I found some "easy" (we'll see) instructions online.  Now I just need some time to try it!
I also went to Old Navy and got some great deals for my girls.  I paid $3.99 for a pullover fleece sweater! And only $9.99 for a zip-up fleece! Those are great deals already, but knowing that it all will be worn by both girls is fantastic! I got a few other things also.
On Sunday, we were hoping to go to the Steinbach Aquatic Centre, but with both girls still having the sniffles, we decided against it.  Instead we just got caught up on vacuuming, laundry etc.  At one point during the day, Nick was attempting to make Peanut happy by running up and down the hall with her (she absolutely loves this, and she loves the "1-2-3" countdown that happens before too), and Monkey stopped coloring and said "Daddy don't run 'cuz you might break the house!" Too funny!
Sunday night was AWFUL! Monkey was up at least a dozen times talking and crying in her sleep, and we were on "high spit alert", and Peanut was up coughing so hard she was gagging and we ended up bringing her to bed with us.  Nick took the couch (and Monkey's monitor with him), and I attempted to get some sleep with Peanut next to me randomly crying out, squirming about and kicking me tons.
I had to work on Monday at the doctor's office, so that was a challenge on so little sleep, but probably easier than being home with sick girls (poor Nick).  At least Peanut had a solid 2 hour nap and Monkey watched a Little Einsteins movie.

And because typing it out is so much easier than handwriting it, here are the projects on my to-do list (in no particular order):
1. Living Stations posters for ND.
2. pillowcase dress
3. scrapbooking
4. finish canvases
5. upload current pics to facebook
6. order birthday presents for upcoming b-days (Sophie, Brea, Elaine)
7. work on projects for Monkey's upcoming b-day parties (water labels, invitations, goodie bags etc)
8. plan family party
9. show Nick "art" hanging things (for lack of a better word)
10. make more templates for Memories By Meagan blog
11. figure out end of the year teacher gifts
12. H-O-M-E sign
13. clean out computer armoire
14. finish organizing recipes
15. figure out Thank-you gifts (x2) for catechists
16. make glitter shirts for kids I know (plan, purchase supplies, etc)

think that's all!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Remembering the Little Things

I've been contemplating a "personal" blog for quite awhile now.  As I hit 30 this past January, and have an almost-4-year-old and a 16-month-old, I find that my brain is absolute mush, and I can barely remember what I had for supper last night (or IF I had supper last night!), never mind all of those cute little things that go on during the day.  Things like what my Monkey said about school or what milestones Peanut has hit, along with adventures we go on and things we do.
I hope to keep up with this blog to help me "Remember the Little Things".